Guildford sugar gums under threat

A stand of sugar gums at Fauntleroy Park in Swan Street East in Guildford is under threat due to compaction of the ground caused by cars being parked under the trees.
May 30, 2023

A STAND of sugar gums at Fauntleroy Park in Swan Street East in Guildford is under threat due to compaction of the ground caused by cars being parked under the trees.

The problem appears to be worsening despite the Guildford Association and the City of Swan working together to try and save the historic sugar gums, and local residents are concerned it may be too little too late.

Guildford resident Dione Davidson, who lives near the trees, said despite some action being taken by the city, it was now time to fence off the remaining trees to help save them from the same plight that has befallen many other Guildford sugar gums.

“Unfortunately, they could be dying silently now,” Ms Davidson said.

“It’s time the shire acts responsibly to save these trees and we can’t wait for the proposed fence to be erected.

Action needs to be taken immediately.

“A month or so ago I witnessed the parking of the shire’s tree inspectors right under the gums.

“What hope is there if the shire can’t even follow its own requests?”

She said history showed the great love the community had for the trees and each and every time over the decades when they had been at risk of removal, they were strongly defended by the people.

According to the Guildford Association, the stand of sugar gums is one of the largest and oldest such plantings in WA.

“They date from Queen Victoria’s diamond jubilee in 1897 and provide significant shade, which has unfortunately created its own set of problems,” a spokesperson said.

“Because the town lacks parking, many visitors choose to park under these majestic trees, compacting soil and damaging roots.

“This means they fail to thrive, leading to limb loss and also tree death.

“The City of Swan has been involved in a maintenance plan for these trees for almost 20 years but unfortunately, three trees died recently in Swan Street and the city’s arborist has said it is from compaction.”

The City of Swan acknowledged the Guildford Association’s passion for retaining mature trees in Guildford.
Chief executive Stephen Cain said the city was committed to increasing local tree canopy cover, protecting mature trees and providing high quality landscaping.

“In the interest of protecting and preserving the sugar gum trees on Swan Street East, the city negotiated with St Jude’s Aged Care Facility to construct eight parking bays on the north side of the of the street,” Mr Cain said.

“We also installed ‘no parking’ signs on the southern side to ensure the root system of the trees is not interfered with.”

He said the community was also currently progressing a revegetation program on the verge under the saved trees with parking accommodated by the newly constructed bays on the northern side of the street.

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