Greenmount Primary School Aboriginal and Islander education officer Cindy Nelson with the senior Aboriginal students.

Greenmount Primary celebrates NAIDOC

Aboriginal families at Greenmount Primary School have painted their family story on a tree cut-out as part of NAIDOC Week celebrations.
July 11, 2023

The school hosted a week of activities with students and the community and was joined by the families of the Aboriginal students at the school and Aboriginal and Islander education officer Cindy Nelson.

The project involved each Aboriginal family painting their family story on a wooden gumtree cut-out that will be installed in the school.

Ms Nelson shared with each family how to tell their family story by incorporating Noongar symbols and art style of painting.

“I was taught to share my stories through Aboriginal paintings from my father, and this skill has been passed down through generations.

I shared these stories to guide the families when painting,” she said.

The project was to engage Aboriginal families and foster positive connections to the school.

“When students contribute to their school community through collaboration, teamwork and seeing their work on display they feel a sense of belonging and ownership of their learning environment.

“The school is excited for students to have their family story displayed in the Greenmount community and feel a stronger connection to their school,” Ms Nelson said.

The school started the celebrations by holding a NAIDOC opening ceremony led by Ms Nelson and the school’s Aboriginal students, sharing the meaning of NAIDOC and leading the school singing Noongar songs.

Associate Prinicpal Evie Vernon said “We learnt about many parents with hidden artistic talents and it was great to see the students working with their parents.”

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