Swan MHR Zaneta Mascarenhas with staff from Craigcare Aged Care centre.

Southeast sees jobs boost

Labor says they are meeting their election commitments, while the Liberals say they are not doing enough to address inflation.
August 3, 2023
Gera Kazakov

THE latest labour force statistics released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics show that 9000 more people are employed in Perth’s southeast when compared to the same time last year.

The figures come from the ABS’s Perth southeast statistical area level 4, and show 301,700 people employed in June 2022, with it now reporting 310,700 people employed as of June this year.

The Perth southeast SA4 statistical region stretches as far north as Perth airport, while reaching as far south as Serpentine National Park.

Swan MHR Zaneta Mascarenhas, who’s electorate resides in the southeast SA4, said the increase in jobs shows that the Albanese government has taken significant measures to address the skills shortage, alongside getting more people employed.

“This is positive news for Perth’s entire southeast corridor,” said Ms Mascarenhas.

“One of Labor’s key election commitments was to create more jobs.

“The rise in people working can be put can be put down to the investment by the government in skills and training, such as the 18,800 fee-free Tafe and VET places on offer in 2023,” she said.

Opposition employment and workplace relations spokeswoman Senator Michaelia Cash criticised the current state of inflation in the country and said the current strength of the labour market was inherited from the former coalition government.

“Inflation is eating away at the hard work of Australians and Labor’s failure to take it seriously is making Australians poorer and setting the economy up for failure.”

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