Band members in Sydney for the World Projects Australian International Music Festival.

Silver for Perth Hills and Wheatbelt Band

A talented group of Perth Hills and Wheatbelt musicians have taken home silver in the World Projects Australian International Music Festival
August 31, 2023

PERTH Hills and Wheatbelt Band, with members from the Parkerville Community Band, who recently travelled to Sydney (Band aims for international success, Echo News, May 26) to take part in the World Projects Australian International Music Festival have come home with the silver award.

The combined band of 52 members, from the ages of 12 through to 88 years, with students from schools across the Mundaring and Northam shires and the City of Kalamunda, had an eventful seven-day tour of Sydney.

The band also took part in a musical workshop with the Matthew Flinders Anglican College from Queensland, prior to completing performances at the Maritime Museum,  Angel Place City Recital Hall,  Manly Corso, UNSW and the iconic Sydney Opera House.

With an impressive music line up, and original pieces written and conducted by band leader Peter Hind, the Perth Hills and Wheatbelt Band not only came away with the silver award, but were regarded by many as the favourite performance group of the event.

When not playing or practising, the band enjoyed a tour of the South Pylon and Powerhouse museums, Taronga Zoo, a Sydney Harbour cruise and a breakfast at Bondi Beach.

The band’s Yvonne Blyth said the trip was a once in a lifetime opportunity and thanked director Peter Hind for his tireless efforts, and the Shire of Mundaring for their support.

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