There is now a requirement for payment in lieu of parking plans to be prepared for parking for relevant developments.

Ellenbrook parking plan advertising deferred 

Payment in lieu of parking can be applied for either public parking infrastructure, other transport infrastructure or ancillary or incidental purposes.
November 30, 2023
Anita McInnes

CITY of Swan councillors have voted to defer the public advertising of the draft Ellenbrook town centre payment in lieu of parking plan until they receive a briefing on the Ellenbrook town centre parking management plan.

The officer’s report had recommended the council approve the draft Ellenbrook town centre payment in lieu of parking plan (PLPP) for public advertising.

From July 1, 2021 the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 were amended, to include within the deemed provisions a requirement for PLPP to be prepared to enable the collection of cash in lieu of parking for relevant developments.

The report said the preparation of the PLPP as provided for under Clause 77J of Schedule 2, Part 9A of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, (Deemed Provisions for Local Planning Schemes) was necessary to allow the collection of cash in lieu of parking in the Ellenbrook town centre.

According to the report any cash in lieu payments made under the PLPP will contribute to the city’s funding for transport infrastructure, including development of shared public car parks, management technology, wayfinding, shared paths, streetscape improvements and other local transport amenities within the Ellenbrook town centre.

“Once the PLPP has been advertised and is presented back to the council for final adoption, an update to the schedule of fees and charges will be required,’’ the report said.

“A new fee reflective of the cost per bay in accordance with the method of calculation provided by DPLH of $7500 per bay will need to be introduced.

“This fee is based on a $500 per sqm infrastructure cost for constructing parking and will be reviewed annually.

“The city has an established reserve account for money collected under the PILPP.

“The reserve account, established under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1995, Section 6.11, will be operated in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996.”

Payment in lieu of parking can be applied for either public parking infrastructure, other transport infrastructure or ancillary or incidental purposes, according to Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage guidelines.

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