Call to defer climate change Bill

Unlike legislation in other states, the WA Climate Change Bill does not include a target for a reduction in emissions by 2030.
February 8, 2024

PERTH Hills Climate Change Interest Group (PHCCIG) has supported the call by key climate-concerned organisations to urgently refer WA’s pending Climate Change Bill 2023 to a Parliamentary committee to allow independent expert advice and informed community debate.

“The Bill, soon to be tabled in Parliament, is a welcome step in the right direction to secure a safer climate, but insufficient time has been allowed to consult with community or energy experts,” PHCCIG chair Lynda Winter said.

Unlike legislation in other states, the WA Climate Change Bill does not include a target for a reduction in emissions by 2030.

“It also does not allow for the establishment of an independent climate advisory body to effectively advise, monitor, and measure the impact of climate action or inaction,” she said.

“We are concerned that the Bill as it stands allows carbon pollution in WA to continue to rise and can put at risk Australia’s commitment to a 43 per cent emissions reduction by 2030.

“The heatwaves just in the last week, and the damage and loss of power experienced by thousands of Perth Hills households following an extraordinary storm, brings the effects of climate change right to our doorsteps, and we need urgent and effective climate action now.”

Hills residents are encouraged to talk or write to their local representatives and ask for a strong and effective climate change Bill that will protect hills people and the environment now and into the future.

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