The Gun Mart and Tackle shooting range is closed for lead remediation works. Picture: Gera Kazakov

Midvale gun shop shut

The camping side of Midvale store remains open while the firearms section is shut after a police raid.
February 22, 2024
Grea Kazakov

FOLLOWING a raid by police earlier this month, a Midvale firearms store has shut its doors while it’s camping side remains open.

It comes as police revoked a license of a metropolitan firearms dealer and a warehouseman after an inspection identified breaches and anomalies.

The police statement said that licenses were revoked because of compliance actions that took place at the start of 2024, in which the police confiscated firearms and ammunition from the dealer and warehouseman due to breaches of firearm storage and firearm storage records.

Police did not name the dealer who lost their licences, but also said that in 2023 a compliance action was taken against a firing range in the metropolitan area after an inspection identified that remedial work to the range was required.

On its website, Gun Mart and Tackle, located on Great Eastern Highway, said its shooting range was closed.

“As most of you are aware, the range has been closed by police and other government agencies for maintenance work, including lead remediation work,” the website said.

In Shooting range blamed for lead contamination emergency services were called to a gun and tackle shop on Great Eastern Highway in Midvale.

The owner of the premises was issued with an environmental protection notice ceasing all live firing activities within the indoor ranges on the premises.

According to the Gun Mart and Tackle website, the store was founded in the early 1980’s by Graeme Harris, who is now in his 80s.

On the website, Mr Harris said that he used winnings from motorcycle racing to start the store.

“I started the Gun Mart and Tackle shop so that more and more people had easy access to all things camping, boating, and fishing,” it reads.

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