Kalamunda Primary School teacher Jayde Mott with students celebrating national simultaneous storytime this week.

Kalamunda kids join story event

National simultaneous storytime is an event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy through age-appropriate books.
May 23, 2024

KALAMUNDA Primary Education Support Centre (KPESC) students joined millions of their classmates across Australia celebrating the joy of reading during national simultaneous storytime (NSS) this week.

This year’s book, ‘Bowerbird Blues’, written and illustrated by Australian author Aura Parker tells the tale of a young bird with big dreams.

KPESC principal Samantha Brassington said the book was fitting for her students because they were always encouraged to dream big and celebrate their uniqueness.

Mrs Brassington said this event was a great way to immerse KPESC students in literacy and ignite a passion for reading and storytelling.

“For our kids with disabilities, literacy opens doors to new worlds, sparks imagination, and empowers them to communicate, learn, and thrive.

“During the live streamed event one of our teachers, who is also an AUSLAN interpreter, will sign the story and staff will model key words on augmentative and alternative (AAC) devices so that it is truly an inclusive experience for all our kids.”

She said the event also aligned with a new whole school approach to literacy.

“We’ve embarked on a new direction here at KPESC, where our evidence-based literacy programs give every student, regardless of ability, the opportunity to learn to read, write and communicate.

“By having a robust literacy program individually matched to each student and taking part in exciting events like this, we hope to inspire a lifetime love of literacy,” Mrs Brassington said.

The event, organised by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), is in its 24th year.

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