Swan businessmen Gerry Hanssen and Kevin Bartholomew.

Hour of Power will take on bureaucrats

Commercial Bar & Kitchen owner Kevin Bartholomew will be speaking alongside Hanssen Construction founder Gerry Hanssen at the next Hour of Power.
June 6, 2024
Mike Peeters

ALWAYS eagerly anticipated, the Swan Chamber of Commerce’s ‘Hour of Power’ is on again on Wednesday, June 12.

It will feature two guest speakers: the founder of Hanssen Construction, Gerry Hanssen, and the owner of the Commercial Bar and Kitchen, Midland, Kevin Bartholomew.

At the age of 78, chamber vice president Gerry Hanssen will be talking about ‘tackling bureaucracy without losing your cool’.

After 57 years in the construction industry, Mr Hanssen has plenty of experience with both local and state governments.

“I believe if you look after the community, you also look after yourself and your business,” he said.

A renowned entrepreneur and philanthropist, Mr Hanssen is never satisfied with his past achievements and is always looking forward to better ways of building efficiently.

Commercial Bar & Kitchen owner Kevin Bartholomew will also have plenty to say about bureaucracy.

Mr Bartholomew said his establishment, which draws patrons from all over the Eastern Corridor, had been adversely affected by the recent upgrades to the new Midland station project.

He said he would be discussing his ongoing dealings with Metronet and local authorities and describing their impact on business operations.

“I will also detail the specific ways the construction has disrupted our business, including the removal of over 80 public parking spaces and the resulting impact on customer accessibility,” he said.

The Hour of Power is a free business event being held at 10.30am on Wednesday, June 12 at the Crooked Spire Coffee and Arthouse in Midland.

Visit the Swan Chamber website here for your free tickets.

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