The housing first support services has been critical in helping rough sleepers find permanent housing.

Major $92m boost for homelessness services

More than 120 homelessness services will receive a share of $70.2m to continue service delivery and meet demand.
June 6, 2024
Peter W Lewis

THE State Government has committed $92.2 million in new funding for homelessness initiatives in the 2024-25 Budget, including funding to ensure the continuation of more than 120 critical homelessness services across Western Australia.

“This includes 20 organisations providing 39 homelessness services across the metropolitan, Midland, Perth and Wheatbelt areas, including accommodation, engagement hubs, outreach and specialist support,” a Department of Communities spokesperson said.

“The funding will ensure existing homelessness services continue to deliver vital support for Western Australia’s most vulnerable community members.”

As part of this investment, more than 120 homelessness services will receive a share of $70.2m to continue service delivery and meet demand.

A further $15.7m has been allocated to expand housing first support services (HFSS), which are a key initiative under ‘All paths lead to a home: WA’s 10-year strategy on homelessness 2020-2030.

The HFSS has been critical in supporting rough sleepers into permanent accommodation and providing them with the case management and supports they need to sustain their tenancies.

The $15.7m for expanding HFSS includes $6.7m to support an expansion of the HFSS in the metropolitan area to ensure greater access to support services for those who need it.

An additional $6.3m will also be provided to significantly expand Entrypoint and other homelessness referral services to ensure that vulnerable Western Australians can be connected with services and accommodation available.

Entrypoint is a free and voluntary assessment and referral service assisting people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Western Australia to access accommodation and support options.

To contact Entrypoint phone 1800 124 684 or (08) 6496 0001 or go to their website.

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