Senior Constable Bevan O’Donnell.

Midland officer awarded Australian Police Medal

After almost 20 years of service, Senior Constable Bevan O'Donnell's contributions have earned him the Australian Police Medal.
June 20, 2024

SENIOR Constable Bevan O’Donnell has been awarded the Australian Police Medal in the King’s Birthday Honours List.

Mr O’Donnell has served the Western Australia Police Force for almost 20 years, and began as an Aboriginal Police Liaison Officer (APLO) before transferring to become a police officer in 2007.

A WA Police spokesperson said SC O’Donnell was actively involved with the Moorditi Maaman (Strong Men) Group in Midland, which was established to support local Aboriginal men who were struggling in many facets of their life.

“SC O’Donnell often goes above and beyond his remit as a police officer, liaising with various agencies to help identify and support elderly Indigenous people who do not have the ability to leave home or access local services,” they said.

“His efforts ensure those vulnerable members of the community are kept safe.”

They said SC O’Donnell had a wonderful ability to work across the cultural divide, providing a compassionate policing service to vulnerable members of our community.

In 1987, along with his three brothers, he helped establish the Walley Bates Memorial Boxing Club in Midland.

The club helps teach young men and women the disciplines of boxing, and many of the youths attending have since become leaders amongst their peers.

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