The new Midland station multi-storey carpark, featuring more than 800 car bays, is expected to open to the public in coming months.

Metronet Midland carpark due to complete this year

The project aims to replace the existing station which will be decommissioned and demolished.
June 27, 2024
Mike Peeters

THE new $330 million Metronet Midland station project, funded by both the federal and state governments, is progressing well and the multi-storey carpark, featuring more than 800 car bays, is expected to open to the public later this year.

The rest of the project, including a new 12-stand bus interchange and new cycling and pedestrian routes to get to the station, is due to be completed next year.

There will also be approximately one kilometre of shared path north of the rail corridor, connecting to the existing cycle network at Morrison Road and Lloyd Street.

Acting transport minister John Carey said the new Midland station was a significant investment into Midland’s future, providing a modern facility in the heart of the town centre, and building on the unique rail heritage of the area.

“This new state-of-the-art facility will bring more than just a better public transport experience to local commuters – it will create better connections with key services and public amenities,” he said.

“Midland has a rich rail history that is still clearly woven within its fabric, and this project will be an exciting addition to the future of public transport in the area.”

The project will replace the ageing infrastructure and once rail services are moved to the new station – expected to occur in 2025 – the existing 55-year-old station will be decommissioned and demolished.

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