The Scott Reserve master plan.

Kalamunda football facility upgrades

WAFC says female Auskick participation has increased 14.9 per cent since last year and is a driving factor to make facilities inclusive.
June 27, 2024

SCOTT Reserve and Ray Owen Reserve in the City of Kalamunda are among more than 50 football venues around Perth to receive funding for changeroom and club ground upgrades.

A City of Kalamunda spokesperson said more than $8 million in funding would set the ball rolling on upgrades to facilities including changeroom upgrades at both grounds and new lighting and expansion of the Ray Owen oval.

“These upgrades will provide modern facilities for the community, including unisex changerooms to accommodate both female and male users,” they said.

The city finalised a master plan for Scott Reserve in 2019, which included a new sports hub and changerooms, based on residents’ input and their needs for a recreational space, which identified desire for an upgraded sports hub with unisex changerooms.

Based on this, a spokesperson said the city applied for outside funding.

“The city actively seeks external grant funding opportunities for all council-endorsed major projects to leverage additional resources and improve community facilities,” they said.

The spokesperson also said the Kalamunda community would not have to wait too long to enjoy the new facilities.
“For the Scott Reserve pavilion, works are scheduled to start in 2025.

For Ray Owen changerooms, works are currently underway and are expected to be completed by mid-December 2024,” they said.

The $1m in funding from the state government’s ‘community sporting and recreation facilities fund’ has been committed to retrofit community football facilities including changerooms, with the aim to promote safe and welcoming environments for Perth people of all genders and abilities to enjoy playing football.

Sport and Recreation Minister David Templeman said with female participation in sport growing at a rapid rate, the government is responding to the need for safe and appropriate changing facilities for all genders, ages and abilities.

WAFC chief executive officer Michael Roberts said female Auskick participation had increased 14.9 per cent since last year, and was a driving factor to make facilities inclusive.

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