About 25 mixed age group members turned up to plant 200 trees for the project.

Wheeling along a different trail

Wheels Seniors group are looking to beautify a part of Mundaring Sculpture Park as an intergenerational project.
July 4, 2024

INSPIRED by a community art project in a South Perth Park, Wheels Seniors decided the Mundaring Sculpture Park needed revitalisation by a new artwork.

While early days yet, the project is underway with the collaboration of the Mundaring Arts Centre (MAC) and an InspireArts grant of $3,000 from the Shire of Mundaring kicking it along.

An expert talk from Eric McCrum was the first activity for the group, designed to inform the planning process.

Mr McCrum’s talk was about the Perth Hills environment and Indigenous connections to the area peppered with stories of his journey as a naturalist.

Conceived as an intergenerational project, the members from Wheels were joined by the Hills Homeschoolers and the Mundaring Primary School.

As part of the restorative efforts, 25 members showed up in the morning on June 10 in a mixed age group to plant about 200 plants provided by the shire’s Seedlings for Landcare.

Wheels Seniors president Sally Roberts said the group wanted to get the younger generation involved so the project could belong to everyone.

“We need to get the young people involved so it belongs to them as well as the older people that will move on,” she said.

“We want to include the younger generation as well so they can own it, be proud of it and perhaps care for it too.”

The West end of Mundaring Sculpture Park has been chosen as the site for the work - a statement of place featuring local plants and animals incorporating the Noongar names.

Ms Roberts said the final art piece was still being planned and an artist brief is in the works to be sent out at the beginning of August.

“We actually don’t know what it is yet but we want something native in our area to beautify the park so people can come visit and see the plants in that area without having to travel 100km elsewhere,” she said.

“We’ll have a brief outlining the main idea of showcasing our local plants and wildlife that represent Mundaring.

“Then, the different artists from groups such as the MAC will each submit their ideas and we will pick from the cream of the crop for what will be incorporated into the park.

“We hope to start workshops in November and by next year it will be finished.”

Ms Roberts encourages Mundaring residents to get involved and for seniors to join the group if they are interested.

More information can be found on their website at https://www.wheelsseniors.com.au or by contacting Sally Roberts on 0423 178 266.

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