Some big projects associated with Ellenbrook are included in the City of Swan corporate business plan but it seems too Midland centric for some councillors. Picture: Anita McInnes

Midland CBD focus questioned

Swan councillor Jennifer Catalano scrutinises the corporate business plan for being too focused on developing Midland’s CBD.
July 12, 2024
Anita McInnes

SOME big projects  associated with the Ellenbrook area are included in the City of Swan’s corporate business plan but it seems it might be too Midland strategic centre centric for some councillors.

The major projects and their costs are included in the city’s corporate business plan 2024/25 to 2027/28 adopted on June 26 with eight councillors voting for the plan and five voting against it.

At the special council meeting to approve the city’s budget Pearce ward Cr Patty Jones moved a motion – seconded by Whiteman ward Cr Haeden Miles to adopt the corporate business plan.

Altone ward Cr Jennifer Catalano was one of the five who voted against adopting the corporate business plan saying it was not what the ratepayers and residents and others were telling her they wanted.

“I think the most glaring thing and I’m even more convinced day-by-day that the Midland strategic centre centric approach and I know it’s all run by the strategic plan,’’ Cr Catalano said.

“But we’ve got a big mistake here with this constant focus on Midland as a strategic centre.

“It clearly isn’t going to be that in the future and no amount of money that you throw at is going to make it – it’s all going to be happening in Ellenbrook and it’s time all of our corporate documents reflect that.’’

At the meeting Cr Catalano did not highlight any projects she thought were Midland strategic centre centric.

The major projects listed are the Ellenbrook Community Hub $8 million, Swan Active Ellenbrook $105m, Swan Active Midland – family change extension $2m, Gnangara Road duplication $11m, Henley Brook Avenue (Gnangara Road to Park Street) $18.3m, Food organics and garden organics (FOGO) $6.7m, Brabham district community centre $6.1m, Ballajura intergenerational playspace $6.4m and the Murray Road neighbourhood park and community building $10.6m.

As well as Cr Jones and Cr Miles Pearce ward councillors Evia Aringo, Aaron Bowman, and Cate McCullough, Swan Valley Gidgegannup councillors Rod Henderson and Charlie Zannino and Mayor Tanya Richardson voted for the corporate plan.

Along with Cr Catalano, Altone ward Cr Amanda Dorn, Midland Guildford councillors Sarah Howlett and deputy mayor Ian Johnson and Whiteman ward Cr Dave Knight voted against it.

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