Kalamunda’s hiking is for every body program was granted $19,488 to promote accessibility to hiking.

Kalamunda secures hiking funding boost

The City of Kalamunda will receive a boost of almost $20,000 to promote the health benefits of hiking in the hills.
February 6, 2025

CITY of Kalamunda will receive a $19,488 funding boost to promote the city’s ‘hiking is for every body’ program in collaboration with Off the Beaten Track WA.

“The funding will be used to deliver tailored, inclusive hiking experiences, ensuring a safe and supportive environment where participants can enjoy nature, build confidence, and improve wellbeing,” Mayor Margaret Thomas said.

As hiking grows in popularity across the Perth Hills, Ms Thomas said it has attracted a diverse range of participants.

The city hopes the new funding will develop new opportunities for participation, enhance skill development, and build the capacity of hiking leaders.

The funding is part of the state government’s $252,168 WA hiking participation grants program which involves 12 projects.

“These outdoor activities are much more than just great fun and building physical fitness and we should not underestimate the importance of the benefits of being outdoors,” Sport and Recreation Minister David Templeman said.

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