Keep the Sheep campaigner Holly Ludeman said more than 100,000 people have signed the Keep the Sheep petition.

Libs back live sheep trade

Liberal leader Libby Mettams commits to leading an overseas delegation to the Middle east if she wins the election.
February 27, 2025

WA Liberals will continue to support WA’s live sheep trade, with a Mettam Liberal government to lobby the federal government to overturn the Commonwealth ban scheduled to begin in 2028.

Liberal leader Libby Mettam has also committed to leading an overseas trade delegation to the Middle East to promote WA’s agricultural exports, including live sheep, if elected as Premier in March.

Meanwhile, the Australian Live Export Council says it will continue to expand overseas markets despite the proposed 2028 ban, with countries such as Morocco in the market for high-quality and reliable Australian sheep to bolster their food security.

Ms Mettam said the announcement makes clear her party’s strong position of support for WA’s live sheep trade, and the regional communities that thrive on a healthy agricultural trade.

“A government I lead won’t just provide lip service – we’ll actively support, promote and defend the trade and defend regional WA from Labor’s attack on livelihoods,” Ms Mettam said

“Labor have undermined Australia’s longstanding credibility as a reliable trading partner with the Middle East.

“Only the WA Liberals are committed to repairing the relationship with one of our key export markets for agricultural products, even beyond live sheep.”

Liberal Agriculture spokesman Steve Martin said Roger Cook’s crocodile tears approach on the ban on WA’s live sheep trade is just not good enough.

“WA Labor has stood by while their colleagues in Canberra have trashed our states’ reputation as reliable trading partners, while throwing regional businesses and communities under the bus for inner-city preferences,” Mr Martin said.

“The official position of support for the trade from WA Labor is a purely cosmetic exercise to avoid taking on more political damage in the regions, after the gutting of regional representation, the botched forestry jobs transition, and the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage disaster.

“The agricultural industry in Western Australia does incredible work providing food for our own population and across the world. The WA Liberals will back our producers every time.”

Keep the Sheep campaigner and founder of the Livestock Collective Dr Holly Ludeman said more than 100,000 people have signed the Keep the Sheep petition.

“I am proud to be one of them. This grassroots movement was born out of the need to take action against the Albanese Government’s ban on live sheep exports,” Dr Ludeman said.

“The ban is already having devastating impacts on WA farming families and their communities. The live sheep trade has achieved world-leading animal welfare standards following years of significant industry-led reform.

“The Albanese Government’s decision to ban the trade disregards science and the substantial progress made. Removing Australia from this international market will not improve global animal welfare, instead, it panders to ideology and jeopardises relationships with valued trading partners.”

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