World Vision Mundaring held its final community donation stall at the Mundaring shopping centre last week, ending more than 40 years of service in the hills.
Swan council has voted against the officer recommendation to approve the childcare development on Fauntleroy Street though the final decision rests with the DAP.
A fatal crash at the end of November has prompted a further push for improving safety for motorists driving through Greenmount hill via Great Eastern Highway.
Public consultation on the North Ellenbrook (West) major amendment proposing to change 393ha from rural to urban and parkland for future development closes on December 13.
Forrestfield trainer keynote on surviving DV trauma
Forrestfield personal trainer Catherine Eastman shares her story of domestic violence and what it took to escape the situation that almost took her life.
Swan councillor Rod Henderson is running for the state seat of Swan Hills and says Jessica Shaw’s absence, being known in the community and a swing towards the Liberal party are positives for his campaign.
Musicians will bring Christmas cheer to the Ascension Connection community hub in Midland throughout December, offering live music, carol singing and food for those in need.
Ellenbrook and Aveley students shine at WorldSkills competition
Aveley and Ellenbrook secondary college students received medals at this year’s WorldSkills competition in recognition of their excellence in tourism, business services studies and VET studies.