The pole remains on Farrall Road with barriers to direct traffic as Western Power aims to begin removal before November’s end. Picture: Guanhao Cheng

A persistent pole on Farrall Road

Before the end of November, Western Power plans to start removing a power pole that has been obstructing traffic on Farrall Road for more than two years.
October 24, 2024
Guanhao Cheng

AN ELECTRICITY pole has been obstructing Farrall Road for two years which residents say is an “accident waiting to happen”.

Jane Brook resident John Wilkins has driven past the pole many times and said it was confusing that no action toward removing it seemed to be taking place.

“How can road hazards be allowed to exist for that period of time?” he said.

“It’s been there for more than two years, and when they realigned the road, they actually bituminised around it and put up barriers to stop people hitting it.

“It would have made more sense to move or remove it entirely, but instead the pole is in the middle of the road with barriers erected around it.”

City of Swan Mayor Tanya Richardson said the city was aware of the pole on the road and have been in contact with Western Power to remove it.

“The City of Swan is aware of an electricity pole impacting traffic flow south of the train line near the development in Stratton,” she said.

“The developer is working with Western Power, who own and manage the pole, to relocate it following the realignment of Farrall Road.

“The city regularly communicates with the developer on the progress of the pole’s relocation, and we have written to Western Power to prompt a quick resolution of the issue.”

The Farrall Road upgrade and realignment was completed by Peet in 2022 to support the growth of Movida Estate and fulfill its masterplan.

A Peet spokesperson said as part of the upgrade, Western Power will relocate the power pole located in the road reserve.

“In the interim, Peet has implemented community safety measures, including erecting road barricades and lighting, to ensure motorists’ safe passage until Western Power is able to relocate the pole,” they said.

“Community safety is of the utmost importance, and we are in ongoing discussions with Western Power to prioritise the relocation as early as possible.”

A Western Power spokesperson said they acknowledged community concerns raised by the City of Swan regarding the location of the pole along Farrall Road.

“Western Power is actively working to ensure the pole is removed as quickly and safely as possible,” they said.

“Western Power anticipates removal will begin before the end of November.”

Mr Wilkins said with all the recent conversation around road safety, having a hazard sitting so centrally on a road seemed illogical.

“It doesn’t quite make sense to me,” he said.

“There hasn’t been roadwork there for at least 12 months and all the kerbing has been put in.

“The lack of real roadworks makes it easy to dismiss the temporary speed limit.

“It’s just an accident waiting to happen and that’s more the concern.”

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