THE Avon Valley Black Dog Ride will be held on Sunday, March 16 to raise public awareness and funds for depression and suicide prevention.
The not-for-profit organisation holds the fundraiser and awareness campaign on the third Sunday of March each year, joining similar Black Dog Rides held across the country on the same date.
Avon Valley Black Dog Ride coordinator Wes Sutton said the worthy cause was close to his heart as he had lost a cousin to suicide and has a son who struggles with depression.
“We are invested in raising awareness of this important cause within the community.
Last year more than 100 motorcyclists took part in the Avon Valley ride and this year we are hoping to attract even more riders and pillions,” Mr Sutton said.
This year’s ride will depart from the Kalamunda Agricultural Hall and wind through the Avon Valley, ending up in the beautiful town of Toodyay.
Interested riders can register on the official Black Dog Website at
Queries about the Avon Valley Black Dog Ride can be emailed to Mr Sutton at