John Ned Kelly. Picture: Dale Kelly

Birli Gallery to host immersive art exhibition

Through his exhibition at Midland’s Birli Gallery, artist John Ned Kelly hopes to share with viewers the joys of living in the country.
March 20, 2025
Cindy Cartojano

MIDLAND’S Birli Gallery will be hosting On the Land: A Stockman Series, an immersive art exhibition by John Ned Kelly from April 12 to May 2.

Mr Kelly said he’s worked on the series for more than five years and it is still ongoing.

“I’ll never complete it,” he said.

“We’re just interrupting part of the series at this stage.

“The Stockman series will go on forever.”

Born and raised in the Wheatbelt, Mr Kelly said it was inevitable that his paintings would be a reflection of his life at the farm.

He said he wants to share parts of country life to those in the city by telling stories through his paintings.

“There’s one there with a guy chasing down a cattle that’s broken loose from the pack and he’s had to come off in a chase.

“As much as I can, I like to put a bit of humour in there as well.”

Though Mr Kelly lives in the city now, he enjoys reminiscing on his time in the country.

“It’s a great place to grow up as a kid,” he said.

“It’s very grounding and it gives you morals and rules that you carry on through your adulthood.”

The exhibition will combine art, sound, scent and touch to give the audience an immersive experience into rural Australia.

“The exhibition celebrates the resilience, diversity and ingenuity of rural communities, with a special emphasis on First Nations contributions to Australia’s agricultural history,” a Birli Gallery spokesperson said.

A Q&A session with Mr Kelly will also be held at the exhibition launch, which starts at 6pm.

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