Tyler Parish and Flynn Throssell with their awards.

Bravery recognised at Life Saving awards

The Royal Life Saving Bravery Awards have recognised four Bilgoman Aquatic Centre employees.
October 19, 2023

FOUR Shire of Mundaring Bilgoman Aquatic Centre employees were recently recognised for their acts of bravery by the Royal Life Saving Society.

Duty manager Tyler Parish received a gold star bravery award, while lifeguards Flynn Throssell, Sophie Eden and Jessica Nalder received a bravery commendation award for saving a toddler at the centre in January.

Shire President James Martin congratulated the group on their award and said this was the first major emergency they had been involved in.

“They handled themselves extremely professionally and calmly when faced with a very special situation.

“The actions on that day showed their training quickly kicked in, in that moment, and their bravery certainly saved the young toddlers life,” he said.

The Royal Life Saving Society WA recognises the efforts of those outstanding members of the community who attempt to save the lives of others by carrying out rescues or performing CPR, through their annual Royal Life Saving Bravery Awards.

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