Call for comment on Mundaring signage

Mundaring residents can complete a survey to ensure the suggested colours and materials reflect the community’s future vision for the shire.
November 16, 2023

SHIRE of Mundaring invites the community to comment on a new proposed signage strategy style guide by Monday, December 11.

The shire has embarked on a new draft signage strategy which will guide the future design of shire signage across the district, including a style guide for signage within the railway reserve heritage trail, facilities, light industrial/commercial precincts and wayfinding.

It draws inspiration from the natural colours and textures of the shire’s surroundings and the shire is seeking feedback to ensure it aligns with the community’s aspirations.

The planned entry statements for the Mundaring town centre will also reflect the colours and materials detailed in the guide.

Shire President Paige McNeil said the natural colour palette and materials detailed in the style guide will help to create a consistent look and feel for all shire signage that complements the natural surroundings.

“We want our future signage to highlight our natural environment and heritage, creating a positive sense of identity for our shire community. The signage will welcome visitors and reinforce a distinct Shire of Mundaring brand,” she said.

“We welcome our community’s feedback and I invite residents to take a look at the proposed style guide and complete the survey so we can ensure the suggested colours and materials reflect our community’s future vision for the shire.”

To view the style guide and complete a short survey, visit the shire website.

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