SWAN Hills candidates were left standing near the road after the WA electoral commission issued a direction to keep away from the Ellenbrook early polling centre and its car park.
Earlier in the week, candidates from all parties who were handing out how-to-vote flyers were given a letter saying they weren’t allowed to distribute their materials near the building and had to vacate the area.
“I am advised that the owner of the building complex including the early polling place for the legislative assembly district of Swan Hills (3/308 The Broadway, Ellenbrook) has requested that all election campaign workers vacate the car park and surrounds for the duration of the early polling period,” it said.
“This is entirely within the rights of the owner and as a lease holder the electoral commission is required to abide by the owners wishes, otherwise the early polling place may have to close completely.”
The letter outlined that each election campaign worker shall not enter the building other than to pass through, distribute materials or erect any signs on the common areas.
This included the veranda, carpark and garden beds of 308 The Broadway, Ellenbrook.
“This direction is to remain in place for the remainder of the early polling period for the 2025 state general election, unless a subsequent direction is issued,” it said.
“This information is being communicated to all candidates for the district of Swan Hills and to the respective political party secretaries and agents.
“The early presiding officer and returning officer will arrange for how-to-vote material to be placed on a table within the early polling period for the use of electors.”
Swan Hills Liberal candidate Rod Henderson said prior to the letter, a stakeholder who refused to identify himself yelled and demanded candidates to vacate the premises for customers.
“Basically, they came out and said the owner doesn’t want you here,” he said.
“He said we were impacting the other businesses and they got really heavy about it.
“They ripped up our stuff and got very vocal almost to the point of threatening.
“He wouldn’t tell us his name and they contacted the WA electoral commission.
“Now, we’re standing on a one direction slip road, and a sand pit and we can’t actually hand out flyers before they go into his property – we have to catch them from beyond the carpark which is simply really, really difficult.”