Best Friends Animal Rescue president Jeane Howes with some of the dogs at the shelter.

Dogs stay cool during heatwave 

Frozen treats was just one of the ways Best Friends Animal Rescue helped their canine friends stay cool.
February 29, 2024

WHILE heat records were broken throughout the Perth metropolitan region in February, one special needs dog rescue centre made sure their canine friends stayed cool.

Best Friends Animal Rescue president Jeane Howes said although dogs at the sanctuary do have aircon when it’s hot, they also give them frozen fruit and treats such as watermelon, blueberries, and mangoes.

“They love them,” she said.

“We also make frozen yoghurt treats with fruit and veggies,” she said.

In Swan Valley special needs dog haven Ms Howes was looking for volunteers to help with the shelter.

She said some of the current jobs she needs people for include gardening, playing with or walking the dogs, cooking, cleaning duties, someone to dehydrate treats in their new dehydrator and more.

For more information, contact Jeane Howes on 0415 779 610 or click here.

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