Nurse Liam Elsing with Shaya Hunt and the box of eye masks she donated. Picture: Gera Kazakov.

Eye mask donation for dialysis clinic

Midland Dialysis clinic received a generous donation from a Dawson Park Primary School student
August 24, 2023

DAWSON Park Primary School student Shaya Hunt has donated 80 eye masks to the Midland Dialysis Clinic as part of her schools Year 6 citizenship project.

Shaya said she was inspired to make the masks after speaking to her grandpa, who attends the clinic, and said having a mask would make the procedure more comfortable.

Shaya said it took her about three weeks to create all 80 masks, and said some masks were easier to make then others.

“Gluing it, ironing it, all pretty easy, but some of them could be a little bit harder,” she said.

Registered nurse at Midland Dialysis Clinic Liam Elsing thanked Shaya, and said it was fantastic that she had donated the eye masks to the clinic.

Mr Elsing said often dialysis patients will have to sit for long stretches under harsh light, so the eye masks Shaya had provided will give them some comfort.

“A lot if the patients like to rest during that time, and these eye masks will really make a big difference to them, they’ll be a lot more comfortable,” he said.

Shaya’s grandfather Graeme Dunkley said he is very proud of his granddaughter’s hard work in making the masks.

“I’m very proud of my granddaughter Shaya for working hard to make the sleep masks for everyone, she did a great job. It will make the hours having dialysis go quicker by being able to rest in comfort,” he said.


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