Culture and the Arts Minister David Templeman with deputy premier and Swan MLA Rita Saffioti.

Film studios to sell Perth to the world

The new Perth Film Studios will provide clear pathways for creatives in Western Australia into related industries without seeking employment elsewhere.
July 25, 2024
Anita McInnes

THE Perth Film Studios being built in Whiteman are part of the state government’s strategy to diversify the WA economy, providing opportunities for people who sometimes have to travel over east or overseas to get jobs in their industry.

Deputy premier and Swan MLA Rita Saffioti said the film studios would allow those people to get jobs to stay and work in WA and help produce content that can be on WA TVs and streaming devices but also in main cinemas.

The development will include four studios in two buildings and a backlot.

“We know that WA has produced and continues to produce incredible talent in the arts and culture space and it also allows other jobs through the supply chain for example carpenters and electricians as we continue to support having more productions made in WA, she said.

“Not only is it the actors and all the directors it’s also the sound engineers and all those that are involved in also producing sets and making things happen.’’

She said there had already been interest from around the world in the film studios.

Culture and the Arts Minister David Templeman said what the investment in cultural industries meant for Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts WAAPA students studying screen, acting or directing or even stage management and the technical side of things have a clear pathway now into the film, television and digital industry.

“This is a beacon for all of those who are engaged in the creative industries,’’ he said.

Homefire director Howard Cearns said they were heading towards practical completion late next year and then hopefully open in about April 2026.

“In terms of the name Perth Film studios has been chosen, which may sound simplistic but really when we’re taking this amazing facility to the world – parts of the world which probably don’t know this area well we’re selling Perth we’re selling Western Australia,’’ he said.

“The producers and the people who are going to be making the decisions come here (and) they want to know about the city, its amenity its location and closeness to the airport, closeness to the city, which this ticks a lot of boxes.’’

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