Action from the division one U18 boys game, where the Court Moppers faced off against the Mustangs. Picture: S. Bunting

Hills Raiders basketball stalwart to be honoured

Hills Raiders Basketball Association honour the dedication and hard work of Ken Rose who spent years volunteering his time and expertise to the club.
November 23, 2023

ROUND eight for the Hills Raiders Basketball Association is the Rose round – an initiative where the club honours Ken Rose and supports Cancer Council WA in their fight against cancer.

This year’s round will wrap up on Friday and Saturday November 24 and 25 at Mundaring Arena, with the club asking for a gold coin donation upon entry.

The Raiders have run Rose round since 2020 in honour of the dedication and hard work of Ken Rose, who spent years volunteering his time and expertise to the club.

Hills Raiders treasurer Verica O’Brien said Mr Rose had also been awarded life membership at the club after being a volunteer for some 25 years.

“In honour of all that Ken has contributed to the Hills Raiders we are holding the Rose Round, where all money collected will be donated to the charity of his choice – Cancer Council WA.”

Players will be donned in their brightest yellow accessories, with prizes for best dressed and a raffle with a chance to win the Raiders’ ‘box of fun’.

Cancer Council WA engagement manager Annie Hicks said the organisation was thankful for the Raiders fundraising efforts.

“It’s only through the generosity of the community and fundraisers like the Hills Raiders that we are able to do what we do,” she said.

“The money will go towards continuing to provide people who are affected by cancer with the practical and emotional support that they need during a difficult time.”

The games start at 4.30pm on Friday and 9.35am on Saturday.

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