Lindsay and Hayley Halamek, with Alexander and Madelynne, must say farewell to their beloved Stoneville home.

Home search with a difference for Lindsay

The family property the Halameks have loved and called home for almost three years is now completely unsuitable.
September 7, 2023
Peter Ramshaw

The Halamek family of Stoneville are facing a housing crisis.

However, unlike the thousands of Western Australians who are struggling to find a suitable home to rent or buy because of the current overheated property market, Lindsay (48) and Hayley (35) Halamek and their children face a unique challenge.

Mr Halamek suffered a catastrophic workplace accident while plying his trade as a tree-lopper in February this year, which has left him a quadriplegic.

This means that the family property the Halameks have loved and called home for almost three years is now completely unsuitable for Mr Halamek’s new circumstances and the family have had to sell their property to look for one that is fit for purpose for a quadriplegic, or which could be practicably renovated for such a use.

It would need to cost $850,000 or thereabouts, have a minimum of four bedrooms, accommodate a full-time carer, allow easy access for Mr Halamek with his children in their rooms etc, with wide enough access for (or ability to accommodate) wheelchair access throughout.

This is made all the more difficult because the family has its heart set on staying in the hills if at all possible.

Luckily, the community has already banded together to help the Halameks sell their existing home and get ready to move into a new one, if one can be found.

Professionals Stirling Clark real estate in Mundaring, donated their sales fee when it became obvious that the Halamek’s had to move out of their existing home and then ‘worked the phones’ to encourage others to chip in.

As a result, about $35,000 in services has been donated to the family so far as they frantically search for a replacement property.

Andrew Fisher from Professionals Stirling Clark said there must be a suitable property in the Halamek’s price range out there somewhere.

“This family is a wonderful asset to the region, and we’d like to do everything we can to keep them here,” he said.

Other businesses joined in the selling of the current home and the hunt for a suitable new property including Chris Mitchell (earthworks and materials), Sam from Kings Earth and Turf (retaining wall earthworks) Frontier HG Services (painting and maintenance), Classic Conveyancing (settlements), Wow Factor Home Staging, Carpet Court Midland, Perth Real Estate Photography,,, REIWA and Printforce.

“We are really grateful to these businesses who have opened their hearts and assisted us so far.  Words cannot express our appreciation for everyone that has contributed in both big and small ways,” Mrs Halamek said.

“From businesses that have offered services at no cost or discounted rates and or just their time, to our families and friends who have gone above and beyond, we are sincerely thankful in every way.

“Lindsay cannot return home to be a family once again until we have found suitable accommodation for his needs, and so now, he remains in hospital rehab far away from our local community.

“Hopefully we can find a new place to call home soon and iron out the red tape associated with the NDIS etc so we can have him home with us again as soon as possible.

“There is a long road ahead with legalities and any sort of compensation to help us move forward with our new way of living, so any help and assistance along the way is welcomed and very appreciated.”

If anyone knows of any suitable properties available in the hills or any becoming available soon contact Mr Fisher at Professionals Stirling Clark.

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