Artist’s impression of the planned new facility. Graphic: Falconer Brown

Indigo Junction break cycle of disadvantage

Indigo Junction CEO says the last piece of the puzzle is a further $4m which will clear the way for construction to go ahead as planned.
May 2, 2024
Guanhao Cheng

FOLLOWING last week’s announcement of $5.3 million in funding for Indigo Junction the organisation is seeking further funding to go towards construction of the new building.

Chief executive officer Sharon Gough said the last piece of the funding puzzle was a further $4m to go towards construction of the new building.

“Indigo Junction has made a strong submission for this funding through the housing Australia future fund, and we hope to hear a positive outcome in mid-2024,” she said.

“From there, no further barriers to the commencement of construction are foreseen. All going well, we are planning on opening the new service in August 2025.”

Echo News last week reported that last year Indigo Junction received almost 500 calls from young people in crisis.

Ms Gough said that figure was just a portion from Indigo Junction’s 6600 calls for assistance, mainly accommodation requests, received during 2022-23.

“These callers could not be assisted due to a lack of available suitable housing and or resources,” she said.

“Our dedicated staff, and other workers in community services around Midland, go above and beyond to support people in crisis, however this is unsustainable in the long term, and in the face of a deepening cost of living and housing crisis.”

Ms Gough said young people accessing Indigo Junction’s service would typically have experienced trauma and hardship so support staff must be prepared to address their complex needs.

“Many will have had experiences of violence and or neglect in the home and for others, they may have mental illness or disability that makes it difficult for them to live at home,” she said.

“There is an acute shortage of low threshold or barrier placements for young people with complex needs.

“Providing safe, affordable, and supported housing, where these young people can have access to the emotional and practical support needed to heal from trauma and learn to live independently, is what breaks cycles of disadvantage and homelessness.

“That is core to Indigo Junction’s mission.”

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