The old report featured traffic impact assessment comments by Riley Consulting and Transcore which alluded to a need for traffic signals to improve the safety of the Kalamunda and Midland Road intersection, highlighting right turns as the manoeuvres leading to the most accidents.

Kalamunda intersection under traffic scrutiny

Kalamunda residents are calling on the city to prioritise safety after raising concerns about the Kalamunda and Midland roads intersection.
March 13, 2025
Guanhao Cheng

KALAMUNDA residents have raised concerns over the traffic conditions at the Kalamunda and Midland Road intersection and say it should be a safety priority for the City of Kalamunda.

The intersection has come under scrutiny as a major development is under assessment to be developed near there.

A report was prepared for the development and provided to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) to support its application.

Within the document, an appendix F item discussing traffic impact assessment conceded the intersection was a site of multiple crashes but the report has since been outdated as the proponents now operate under an updated report.

Echo News was advised technical reports updated in response to consultation and the detail of community comments are not released, so therefore no updates are publicly available at this time.

City of Kalamunda Mayor Margaret Thomas said the development application was lodged and advertised by DPLH as a significant development application.

“The City of Kalamunda was a referral agency during the consultation process,” she said.

“Public consultation on this development application has now closed, and the proposal is currently under assessment by the State Development Assessment Unit (SDAU) within the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).

“The SDAU will consider all feedback from the community, key stakeholders, local government, and state as part of their assessment process.”

Ms Thomas said once the assessment is complete, a meeting held by the WAPC will be scheduled to determine the application.

“All registered parties will be notified of the meeting date by the WAPC, and agenda papers will be made available on this website at least five days prior to the meeting,” she said.

“Opportunities to make a deputation to the WAPC prior to it making a decision may be available in accordance with the WAPC’s meeting procedures.”

A DPLH spokesperson confirmed a neighbourhood centre development application at 332 Kalamunda Road, Maida Vale was submitted for determination by the Western Australian Planning Commissiongb was advertised for comment in February to March 2024.

“In response to stakeholder feedback, including from members of the public, the applicant submitted a revised technical report into traffic movements which was subsequently shared with the relevant expert stakeholders including Main Roads WA for updated comments,” they said.

“The application continues to be assessed while updated information provided by the proponent and stakeholders is considered.”

Echo News has contacted Main Roads for comment.

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