Maida Vale south resident Steve Walczak is against rezoning. Picture: Gera Kazakov

Maida Vale south rezoning bid a threat to cockatoo habitats

The WAPC is seeking public comment on the proposed rezoning of land in Maida Vale south from rural to urban deferred.
November 9, 2023
Gera Kazakov

MAIDA Vale south residents Steve Walczak and fiancé Chelsea Morgan have started a petition opposing the proposed rezoning of the locality containing endangered forest red-tail black cockatoo and Carnaby’s cockatoo foraging habitats.

The petition has already attracted almost 500 signatures, and Ms Morgan, who has a conservation, biology and zoology degree, said the best way to protect the cockatoos is to simply not develop the existing area at all.

“I just fear that the value of the flora and fauna in this area has been grossly underestimated,” she said.

Mr Walczak agreed, stating “the only thing the developer can really do to not have a massive impact on species like the black cockatoo is to not do (the development) at all.”

The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is seeking public comment on the proposed rezoning of a 177.53ha parcel of land, located between Hawtin Road, Sultana Road East, Harold Road and Roe Highway in Maida Vale south, from rural to urban deferred under the metropolitan regional scheme.

The September 2023 WAPC amendment report lists the proposed rezoning area as having environments which range from excellent to completely degraded. The report also states the land contains forest red-tail black cockatoo and Carnaby’s cockatoo foraging habitats.

Once rezoned, developer Monument Group has passed one of several approvement processes required to develop the area into an urban residential development.

Monument director Johnno Wroth said detailed flora, fauna and waterways studies had been completed and that the development will retain all valuable bushland and protect it in perpetuity, as the development will not complete any large-scale clearing or earthworks.

“This will enhance the habitat for bandicoots and black cockatoos,” he said.

“We have plans to repair and reinstate the ecology of the creek and protect the trees that currently don’t have any protection and are mostly on private property.”

Mr Wroth said the development is a 15-to-20-year project which is opt-in, with a majority of residents in support and welcomes landowners to stay in their homes for as long as possible.

“We wish to work with all landowners and through open communication and ongoing public meetings we will continue to engage with everyone,” he said.

Public submissions to the WAPC about the rezoning close Tuesday, November 28 and can be made online.

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