Karen Beale, Premier Roger Cook, Kalamunda MLA Matthew Hughes, principal Louise Armstrong and students.

Major redevelopment of Lesmurdie Primary

The upgrade includes new general classroom blocks, an early childhood education centre and a covered assembly area with music room, as well as a science upgrade.
May 30, 2024

THIS week Premier Roger Cook officially opened the $20.1 million redevelopment of the Lesmurdie Primary School.

The school upgrade includes a new administration building and staff room, new general classroom blocks, an early childhood education centre and a covered assembly area with music room, as well as a $70,000 primary science upgrade.

Students and staff will also benefit from new sports hardcourts, a dental therapy centre, additional car parking and landscaping.

Refurbishments to other parts of the school were also carried out along with an existing classroom being converted into a primary science laboratory.

Lesmurdie Primary School was established in 1920 and caters for students from Kindergarten to Year 6.

The major redevelopment continues the state government’s significant investment in education in the area, with a $2m STEM project currently under construction at Lesmurdie Senior High School expected to be completed early in 2025, a $38m upgrade under way at Kalamunda Senior High School and a new $1.7m STEM lab recently completed at the school.

Premier Cook said his government was committed to delivering quality learning facilities for Western Australian students.

“Lesmurdie Primary School has been cleverly redesigned to fit the local environment and meet the needs of local students, teachers and its community.”

Kalamunda MLA Matthew Hughes said the redevelopment was an exciting time for the engaged and active Lesmurdie Primary School community, something he was proud to have been able to deliver for his local community.

Education Minister Dr Tony Buti said he had no doubt the new learning spaces will enable young Lesmurdie students to thrive in their schooling for years to come and allow teachers and staff to deliver first class education.

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