Education Minister Tony Buti and Kalamunda MLA Matthew Hughes with the Lesmurdie PS running club. Picture: Jacki Elezovich

Minister’s running challenge takes off

In a first, teachers and school staff will be able to register and take part in the running challenge as well.
July 25, 2024
Jacki Elezovich

LAST week, the education minister’s schools running challenge launched and Lesmurdie Primary School students were some of the first to pick up the challenge.

Lesmurdie principal Louise Armstrong said the challenge was popular among students last year as well.

“We already had a running club established at the school. Students were therefore encouraged to register, to complement their activity in the club.”

The student running club, which meets for a morning run every Wednesday before school and is run by the parents and friends’ association, reliably attracts more than 30 students each week from all year levels.

Ms Armstrong said the running club had generated interest amongst students for the upcoming minister’s challenge, with students eager to use the running challenge to continue achieving running club certificates for each milestone distance recorded, such as a half marathon or marathon, and strive for individual and whole-school prizes on offer through the running challenge.

This year, teachers and school staff will be able to register to participate in the challenge for the first time. Ms Armstrong said getting teachers involved was sure to help get more students out and running.

She said the school had also joined the department of transport’s ‘your move’ program, another state government project aimed at supporting healthy lifestyle choices through choosing public transport to get to school.

“We see all of these initiatives, along with the minister’s running challenge, as essential tools in promoting health and wellbeing in our community,” she said.

Physical wellbeing can also help with mental wellbeing, and Ms Armstrong also noted this was an important part of encouraging students to take on the challenge.

“It’s important to encourage students to be active and to be accountable for their own health and fitness. Being active and taking on new challenges also helps their mental health, which is another area of concern for all students, these days.”

Education Minister Dr Tony Buti encouraged all WA students to get involved in the challenge, no matter their age or fitness level.

“The running challenge is a fantastic way for young people and staff to get their bodies moving and boost overall wellbeing,” he said.

“I enjoy running as part of living my own healthy and active lifestyle, and I encourage all Western Australian students and staff to sign up to the challenge and get moving.”

The challenge will be open until Friday, September 13 students can register online here.

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