Mundaring gets $10,000 to reduce disaster risk

The Shire of Mundaring plans to use a $10,000 grant to create a series of educational videos.
March 7, 2024
Andrew Williams

THE Shire of Mundaring is set to receive $10,000 in funding as part of the federal government’s natural disaster risk reduction (NDRR) grant program.

On Thursday, February 29, the state Emergency Services Minister Stephen Dawson announced WA has been allocated $2.5 million of funding from the NDRR, for a range of projects aimed at reducing the risk and impact of natural disasters.

The $2.5m will be spread amongst 15 separate initiatives across the state and will include protection from heat, cyclone shelters, aircraft infrastructure in remote areas, and artificial intelligence to detect bushfires early.

The Shire of Mundaring’s initiative received the smallest funding amount out of the 15, while the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) received the largest – $681,578, for an improved flood intelligence system.

The shire’s initiative called ProPerPrep, stands for property and personal preparedness. It’s smaller in scope and is focused on commissioning 10 short videos, between two and three minutes each, which will share “property and personal preparedness messaging, encompassing bushfire mitigation, environmental consideration and personal wellbeing’’.

A shire spokesperson said the videos would include messaging from the shire, DFES, and Red Cross but may also include new information identified through consultation with local brigades and key community members.

They said the idea behind the project was to localise the preparedness message so it’s relevant to the community.

“New information will only be formulated if it is identified as locally required. We as a shire are continually listening to identify gaps in available information in order to provide what is needed in the community,” the spokesperson said.

According to the spokesperson, the production of the 10 videos will most likely begin in May or June.

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