Lions club member Mick Wainwright has beena volunteer since 1999.

National Volunteer Week highlights bushfire assistance

The 2021 Wooroloo bushfires disaster could have brought the community to its knees had it not been for the efforts of many courageous volunteers, including those from local Lions’ clubs.
May 30, 2023

Lions’ volunteers have had a strong presence in the community for more than 75 years and Lions club member and past district governor Mick Wainwright of Beechboro, has been in the thick of the action as a member and volunteer since 1999.

During the Wooroloo bushfires Mr Wainwright played a pivotal role in helping to organise much needed back up and assistance, including helping with the community rebuild.

“The 2021 Wooroloo bushfires were a tragedy and caused extensive damage to residential properties within the City of Swan and Shire of Mundaring,” Mr Wainwright said.

“Over the six days of the fires an area of more than 10,500ha inside a perimeter of 154km was burned, with 86 properties lost and more than 100 damaged.

“Most of those we assisted could not have applied for help under the normal disaster relief funding or insurance.

“Support ranged from replacing water tanks and providing welding equipment for the fence repair team, to providing Christmas hampers and funding for 26 Year 6 students to attend school camp.”

The current president of the Noranda Lions Club and a former mayor and deputy mayor of the City of Swan, Mr Wainwright said volunteers across the Lions’ W1 and W2 districts had dispersed more than $82,000 worth of support back to the community so far.

He said there had never been a better time to volunteer your services.

“The organisation assists the community in so many ways, whether it is helping to cure cancer, aiding the deaf and blind, or assisting those with Alzheimer’s or diabetes, Lions can help you make a difference.”

He added that Lions Australia had just finished its first full conference since COVID and National Volunteer Week was a great opportunity to highlight what they do, and the many benefits volunteering has to offer.

Mr Wainwright said volunteers were actively encouraged to contact their local Lions Club or could contact him directly on 0407 422 714.

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