Mitigation machinery at work.

New bushfire mitigation funding for councils

The state government has provided funding to help conduct bushfire mitigation activities across the state.
July 4, 2024
Mike Peeters

THE state government is investing $4 million to help local governments across the state, including Mundaring, Swan and Northam, prepare for the bushfire season.

Of this funding, the Shire of Mundaring will receive $327,500, the Shire of Northam $123,790 and the City of Swan $60,075.

Mundaring Shire President Paige McNeil said the latest grant would support 16 mitigation projects across seven priority areas including the Superblock, Railway Reserve Heritage Trail (proposed locations near Old Sawyers Road, Railway Terrace, Stoneville Road, Sexton Road, and Keane Street) and Christmas Tree Creek.

Emergency Services Minister Stephen Dawson said the 2024-25 mitigation activity fund (MAF) program was an important measure to reduce bushfire risk and protect local communities.

“The funding will be used to conduct 635 mitigation activities in high bushfire-risk areas on state-owned land managed by local government,’’ he said.”

Mitigation activities include mechanical treatments to reduce fuel levels and the creation of firebreaks and planned burns.

Funding is available to local governments with a bushfire risk management plan endorsed by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services.

Applications for the next round of the MAF grants program are expected to open in August.

Local governments and residents can visit: for more information.

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