A celebration of heritage and art will be on this weekend at Midland Junction Arts Centre with fine art exhibitions, activities and a fashion parade on the schedule.
New Darlington childcare proposal bypasses council
Darlington residents are opposed to the development of a commercial childcare in a residential area and say the state’s current planning processes silence resident input.
Swan council supports action group call for wider noise study
Swan councillors have endorsed before-and-after acoustic measurements of freight train noise where the Movida noise wall has not yet been built to determine the noise wall’s impact.
Swan Active Ellenbrook aquatic and recreation centre now closer
The City of Swan has submitted a development application to the WAPC for a recreation and aquatic facility to be located near the new Ellenbrook train station.
Australians have increasingly positive views towards live sheep exports, challenging the decision to ban the practice, according to the Australian Livestock Exporters Council.
Shire of Mundaring President Paige McNeil urges residents with concerns about a Chidlow structure plan to make a public submission so they will be included in an officer’s report for council consideration.
A 29-year-old has been arrested in relation to an assault on a senior in a Midland carpark and investigations continue into a fatal motorcycle crash in Gidgegannup.