RESIDENTS have brought up concerns around selling water on private property and warned it might become a repeat of what happened in Karragullen with Coca Cola and will possibly have a negative impact on the environment.
City of Kalamunda has received a development application for water extraction which is being advertised for public comment but has already raised concern in the community.
The water quality assessment and management plan is available to view in the document library of the proposal’s outline and comment submission page.
The document outlines the water is to be used for bottling for human consumption and routine quality assessments would be performed by the bottling company to comply with bottled water quality standards.
In the same document, the management plan states the bore water level will be monitored monthly and changes to groundwater levels and quality will trigger the plan which will reduce pumping rates and durations.
A separate document on the proposal says the proposal is for the extraction of 30,000kl per annum.
The document continues to say the bore to be used for the extraction is located on Lot 6 Repatriation Road and water extracted from it would be sent to a 250,000L tank located on Lot 12 Foti Road.
Comments can be sent to enquiries@kalamun and submissions close at 5pm on January 18.