A REFURBISHED Bilgoman Aquatic Centre re-opened last November, which saw improvements to the entrance, kiosk, storerooms, first-aid room and changerooms, but no energy efficient upgrades, according to a Shire of Mundaring spokesperson.
In its emissions reduction strategy (ERS) 2024, the shire acknowledged that community facilities such as the Bilgoman Aquatic Centre still had opportunities to improve energy efficiency and add more renewable energy.
“We have had an energy consultant detail the works required for new energy efficient electrical and gas heating upgrades,” the shire spokesperson said.
The 2024 strategy is a revision of the original ERS 2018 which had a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30 per cent by 2030 from the 2016-17 baseline.
This target was achieved in 2022-23, half the time predicted, which led the shire to set a new target of 70 per cent by 2030.
In this round of refurbishment to the centre, the spokesperson said there were no energy efficient upgrades.
In the Shire of Mundaring Council Plan 2024-2034, the solar heating and pool pumps at the Bilgoman pool were classified as a priority project.
The estimated cost for this project is $20,000 for 2024-25 and $280,000 for 2025-26.
“The shire will apply for grant funding under round two of the community energy upgrades fund (CEUF) program,” the spokesperson said.
Round two of the CEUF program is expected to commence in early 2025, according to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.