The site of the level crossing installation on Cale Street. Picture: Guanhao Cheng

PTA comments on Cale Street

The PTA says they are doing all they can to minimise disruptions to quality of life for residents near the Cale Street level crossing installation.
May 2, 2024
Guanhao Cheng

PUBLIC Transport Authority (PTA) spokesperson David Hynes said the PTA is doing all it can to keep the impact of construction to a minimum for residents living by the Cale Street level crossing.

“The Midland Station project team has made, and continues to make, every effort to address all issues raised, and minimise the impact of construction on the community,” he said.

Residents of Cale Street came forward with concerns about the level crossing’s impact on quality of life in last week’s story Residents feel overlooked over Cale Street crossing.

Echo News asked PTA to share some details on what had been explored and what was planned or in progress to mitigate noise and other issues.

Mr Hynes said the noise and light was a necessary part of safety, but the PTA were looking at ways to mitigate the noise, monitoring its impact, and would continue to monitor after the level crossing was completed.

“National rail safety requirements dictate that all level crossings must include audible and visual warnings,” he said.

“Various measures to lessen the impact on nearby residents, such as strategic landscaping and rail treatments, are being explored, and noise monitoring will be undertaken following the level crossing’s opening.”

Cale Street residents said they were told what would happen and given information packs but felt they did not have an opportunity to give feedback.

Echo News put this concern to PTA by asking if any consultation with residents were planned and when they were taking place.

Mr Hynes said residents did have access to interactive sessions with the team members involved with the project, in addition to the information packs that were distributed.

“In addition to distributing a large volume of printed materials and digital communications to residents and businesses, the project team meets face-to-face with members of the community through quarterly community reference groups, individual meetings, information sessions and community pop-up sessions,” he said.

“This includes a targeted information session in January about Cale Street works and impacts, which was attended by 17 locals.”

Residents voiced their concerns about oversights in other peripheral considerations regarding the location in last week’s story, fearing two-way lanes becoming one-way would further decrease available streetside parking for emergency services or community members whose care workers required parking.

When Echo News asked PTA whether parking concerns were being addressed by Metronet and if progress had been made, Mr Hynes said these questions were better suited for the local government.

“Street parking queries should be addressed to the City of Swan,” he said.

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