Elizebeth Stribley’s husband Geoff says they were always there for each other.

Saying goodbye to Elizebeth Stribley

Geoff Stribley remembers the beauty, humorous-nature and kindness of his wife Elizabeth Stribley who died on December 1.
February 13, 2025

GEOFF Stribley first met his wife Elizebeth at a friend’s party on December 16, 1995, they  were engaged on December 25, 1996 and then he had to say goodbye to her on December 1, 2024 so December will always now be a month of happy and sad memories for him.

He said Elizebeth enjoyed life, she was funny, she was hilarious when she didn’t mean to be, she was loyal, she had opinions, she was generous, she was loving and kind-hearted, she was beautiful, she was his wife.

“I will miss her everyday, I miss her laugh, her advice, her conversations on anything and everything, her creativity, I will miss her support and love which was breathtaking,’’ he said.

“We were a team and always there for each other, no matter what.’’

They both enjoyed music from opera to rock, to blues to Elton John, Frank Sinatra and everything in-between.

“I have memories of when we would put on our CDs Saturday mornings and play all our music over the weekend, we both would sing loud, although Elizebeth would hum more than sing along but would close windows and the back door when I started to sing – at least I knew the words.

“We loved entertaining, we loved food, we loved having friends over, yet Elizebeth also enjoyed the solitude of ourselves, she would love nothing more than to curl up with a good book but if we decided to have a get together, a dinner or a party, Elizebeth’s plans became the biggest, the best and a show, she was fun.

“How can I explain about this perfect match, her and I, a match that was meant to be, I won’t  even try, there wouldn’t be enough time but I was lucky enough to live it for 28 years, it felt as if we were together for a lifetime, as I’ve been thinking over the last few weeks my thoughts are crammed full with happy memories of fun, great times, some sad times and of love.

“Elizebeth worked for National Australia Bank for 12 years, she loved the job and gave her all and sometimes above what was expected, the number of times we ran into people who were customers of Elizebeth at the Midland branch sang her praises of how much she helped or did for them, this happened regularly when we were out.

“After leaving the bank Elizebeth landed a job at Midland Brick, she loved her new job as it was very different than the bank, she started as a data entry clerk and over a couple of years she became Midland Brick’s site maintenance supervisor, she became a pioneer for women in a male-dominated industry and she always did her job perfectly and was acknowledged for her hard and dedicated work, she was at Midland Brick for 10 years.

“After Elizebeth left Midland Brick we could look to plan what life would be for us heading into our retirement, I would work for the next few years, Elizebeth then started a dream of hers making greetings cards.

“Elizebeth loved pretty things, I guess that’s why she fell in love with me, she loved pink things, Elizebeth was in her element, with all her beads, bows, ribbons and anything glittery and shiny.

“Elizebeth was so proud of herself, I was proud of her when people wanted to order and pay for these spectacular cards as gifts, her spare time was taken up making her cards, sorting all her pretty craft stuff and watching YouTube for inspiration to create her cards.

“Sadly, around this time her eye problems started, then her other health issues were to follow in the next few years.

“I will now take life’s journey by myself, a journey I thought would be with Elizebeth at my side – never dreaming it would end, Brett and Rebecca have lost their beloved mum, their greatest supporter and she told me how proud she was of them both and told me to always let them know this, in the last few days she told me constantly.

“We now face the future without Elizebeth (but) Brett, Rebecca and I will become stronger together as we are held together with the memory of an extraordinary woman who influenced our lives greatly with unconditional love.’’

He said family, friends, extended family and work colleagues would also feel the loss of Elizebeth.

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