Shire of Mundaring President Paige McNeil, Karen Monaghan, Tony and Karen Whitcomb.

Solution to plastic cup ban launched at Mill and Grind

The project advocates for a blend of reusable alternatives alongside approved compostable coffee cups.
February 29, 2024

IN anticipation of the ban on single-use plastic coffee cups, slated to come into effect in March, Our Kinds and Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council (EMRC) launched their global cup libraries project on Saturday, February 24 at White’s Mill and Grind in Mundaring.

This collaborative endeavour marks a significant stride towards sustainability, offering an innovative approach to combat single-use waste while supporting local cafes and businesses.

The new legislation, effective from March 1 will target various plastic items, including plastic-lined hot beverage cups and plastic lids, aiming to curb the proliferation of single-use plastics in Western Australia.

However, during the transition, alternatives such as certified compostable coffee cups and durable plastic cups designed for reuse will remain permissible.

The project pioneers a novel approach, advocating for a blend of reusable alternatives alongside approved compostable coffee cups.

Participating cafes will have the flexibility to choose from various options, including serving coffee in reusable mugs, compostable cups, or encouraging patrons to bring their own.

“This flexibility aims to alleviate the transition pressure while fostering a culture of sustainability within the community,” Our Kinds co-founder and chief executive officer Karen Monaghan said.

Aligned with EMRC’s ambitious sustainability goals, the project will engage 12 cafes across EMRC’s jurisdiction, with three cafes in each council area participating in the trial.

Beyond the provision of cup libraries, participating cafes will receive comprehensive support, including staff training and social media assistance, to effectively communicate the benefits of reuse to customers.

In a strategic collaboration, the project sources second-hand cups from Good Sammy Enterprises, providing these cups with a new purpose while reducing waste.

This partnership not only tackles the issue of secondhand cup waste but also creates opportunities for disability employment, exemplifying a holistic
approach towards sustainability.

As the ban on single-use plastic coffee cups looms, Our Kinds extend an invitation to local cafes to join the movement towards sustainability.

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