City of Swan Mayor David Lucas celebrates the opening of Stock Road in Bullsbrook.

Stock Road upgrade a new era for Bullsbrook

City of Swan Mayor David Lucas said the new upgrade will reduce congestion and travel times while boosting road safety.
September 14, 2023

THE new Stock Road has officially opened, marking the completion of a landmark project for the City of Swan and a new beginning for Bullsbrook.

A major undertaking for a local government, the $71 million project has created a 4.3km connection between Great Northern Highway and Tonkin Highway.

The federal government provided $16.67m in funding to make the project a reality, and the upgraded Stock Road now features a bridge over Ellen Brook, a rail crossing with boom gates, five T-intersections and a roundabout at Great Northern Highway.

The project was also backed by the South Bullsbrook industrial developer contribution plan and Bullsbrook residential townsite developer contribution plan.

The developer contribution plans are agreements between the City of Swan and land developers to share costs for specified infrastructure.

City of Swan Mayor David Lucas said while the city led the project, it would not have been possible without the support of the federal government.

“This upgrade will improve connectivity, slash travel times, reduce traffic congestion and boost road safety, allowing heavy haulage trucks to bypass the Bullsbrook townsite.

“The road was originally scheduled to be opened in June, but the opening was postponed due to delays related to road sealing, street lighting, safety barriers and persistent wet weather conditions.

“The city, contractors, Western Power and Main Roads WA actively collaborated to expedite the remaining delayed tasks so residents could use Stock Road as soon as possible.”

WA Senator Glenn Sterle said it was a significant piece of transport infrastructure and a platform for an exciting future for Bullsbrook.

“It is set to unlock significant economic potential, enabling the development of land and the creation of an industrial hub in Perth’s north-east.”

Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King said the upgrade was a significant investment in one of the city’s key growth areas and it was an investment that was going to pay off for Perth.

“The Stock Road upgrade increases road safety and allows heavy vehicles to bypass the Bullsbrook town completely, reducing traffic delays and noise disturbances,’’ she said.

“Upgrading Stock Road also opens up substantial new opportunities for industrial and commercial developments in the area.”

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