SHIRE of Mundaring’s popular summer of entertainment series returns in 2025, bringing three free events for the whole community to enjoy.
Supported by a $15,000 Lotterywest grant, the series highlights the shire’s commitment to fostering community connection and celebration.
Here’s what to expect from the line-up:
Movie in the Park on Friday, January 17: Kick off summer with a movie night under the stars at Brown Park, Swan View. Arrive early to enjoy pre-cinema entertainment and delicious food trucks before watching a fan-favourite movie on the big screen. Bring picnic blankets, chairs and warm clothes for a cosy evening. Parking is available in the oval carpark.
LakeFest on Friday, January 31: Head to Lake Leschenaultia in Chidlow for lakeside fun featuring pump track challenges, paddleboats, a chill-out zone and activities for all ages. Food trucks will add to the festive atmosphere. Parking is limited – use the complimentary shuttle from Chidlow Oval. Don’t forget water, sunscreen and picnic essentials.
Twilight Tunes on Saturday, February 22: End the summer with a magical evening of music at the Sculpture Park Amphitheatre in Mundaring. This outdoor concert will feature classic tunes under the stars, along with activities to keep children entertained. Bring picnic blankets, chairs and warm clothes to enjoy the evening. Parking is available on-street and in nearby bays.
Shire President Paige McNeil said the support of both council and Lotterywest ensures these events remain a highlight of the shire’s summer events calendar.
“We’re proud to deliver the summer of entertainment series once again, and we extend our heartfelt thanks to Lotterywest for their generous contribution,” she said.
“These events are a wonderful way for our community to come together, celebrate the season and enjoy all that our shire has to offer.”
For further information go to ment-2025.aspx