Crooked Spire owner and Swan Chamber of Commerce president Mike Matich with Bailey Brewing Co general manager and Radio Lollipop WA chairman Tony Williamson.

Swan Chamber 'Hour of Power' is back

Each speaker has 15 minutes each to share their passion for business, among other things, leaving plenty of room for engaged discussion.
February 1, 2024
Peter W Lewis

THE Swan Chamber of Commerce ‘Hour of Power’ resumes this month at its regular venue the Crooked Spire Coffee and Arthouse boardroom on Wednesday, February 14 at 10.30am.

To kick off the year of monthly events two seasoned speakers who come from the highs and lows of the hospitality industry, and whose industries are among the first adversely effected by economic fluctuations and circumstances, will take centre stage.

Tony Williamson wears a number of hats as general manager of Bailey Brewing Co and chairperson for Radio Lollipop WA, the charity that provides smiles and laughter to young people in hospital.

Mike Matich, the owner of Crooked Spire Coffee and Arthouse and president of the Swan Chamber of Commerce, is well-versed at taking on expansion and exercising enormous vision.

Each speaker has 15 minutes each to share their passion for business, among other things, leaving plenty of room for engaged discussion.

As usual, sponsors Leanne and Shane Wilcox from SLW Transport will facilitate the monthly events held on the second Wednesday of each month.

Register now for this free leadership and personal development workshop.

Visit -details/hour-of-power

For further information please contact chief executive officer Tom Smilovitis on 0407 866 555 or email

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