WALGA east metropolitan zone meets to consider regional issues and policy matters to present to the WALGA state council. Picture: Anita McInnes

Swan fills WALGA zone vacancies

The appointment of two permanent members was required to ensure the city’s views and interests were represented at the east metropolitan zone meetings.
June 27, 2024

THE resignation of a Western Australian Local Government Association east metropolitan zone member has led to Swan councillors appointing a new member and deputy to represent the city.

With Pearce ward councillor Evia Aringo resigning the City of Swan had one permanent member – Whiteman ward Cr Haeden Miles – and one deputy – Altone ward Cr Jagdip Singh.

An officer’s report for the June 19 special council meeting said the appointment of two permanent members was required to ensure the city’s views and interests were represented at the east metropolitan zone meetings.

At the June 19 meeting Pearce ward Cr Aaron Bowman put forward a motion nominating himself as a permanent member of the east metropolitan zone and chief executive officer Stephen Cain as a deputy member.

His reason was that he was the only other councillor that had previously nominated for the WALGA zone and he was also a previous zone delegate and advice from WALGA was that it was common for local governments to appoint their chief executive officer as well as another elected member as a deputy representative.

Midland Guildford ward Cr Sarah Howlett was the only councillor to vote against the motion.

The officer’s report said the WALGA east metropolitan zone includes representatives from Bassendean, Bayswater, Belmont, Kalamunda, Mundaring and Swan and meets to consider regional issues and policy matters to present to the WALGA state council.

East metropolitan zone also nominates members to the WALGA state council.

“There are no sitting fees for being on the WALGA east metropolitan zone however representatives from each of the zones are elected to serve on the WALGA state council,’’ the officer’s report said.

“WALGA state councillors do receive sitting fees for their appointment.

“Sitting fees for state councillors are $3798 per annum, paid biennially (while) deputy state councillors receive $440 per meeting attended as a state council delegate.’’

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