City of Swan staff at a community engagement event.

Swan strategic community plan is under review

The City of Swan is asking for public input to create a 10-year strategic community plan focused on culture, environment, economy, and social development.
February 27, 2025

CITY of Swan is asking residents to provide their views for the future to develop a new strategic community plan (SCP) for the next ten years.

The SCP is the city’s highest-level planning document, representing a bold vision for Swan that recognises the region’s strong ties to culture, the environment and quality of life.

“The city works hard to provide infrastructure and services to meet community needs but achieving our vision requires our community’s input and significant planning,” a spokesperson said.

Feedback will be placed into key result areas, including natural environment, economic, social, built environment and governance to guide planning and make reporting easier.

Mayor Tanya Richardson said the SCP provides a crucial connection between the city and the community used to shape Swan’s future.

“It is important to have sound, long-term planning in place, but we are aware that your changes may have shifted since we released the SCP in 2021,” she said.

“This is your opportunity to let us know what your focus is and help us shape Swan’s future based on your needs.

“We want our decision-making to be guided by the people it impacts – that is you.

“You can provide your feedback online or at a range of in-person workshops and events pop-ups across the city in the coming months.

“I look forward to hearing about all the exciting ideas you have for the future of the City of Swan.”

The survey is available at www.swanen

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