Senior Sergeant Mark Marriott says Midland Police are trying to deter crime through their daily deployments and increase in visible patrolling. Picture: Andrew Williams

Theft still Midland’s leading crime statistic: WA Police

Midland Police says his officers are committed to reducing crime and take pride in servicing the community in which they work and live in.
July 12, 2024
Guanhao Cheng

STATISTICS from WA Police show stealing remains the most frequent offence year after year in Midland, and the state in general.

Last year’s figure of 1622 stealing offences in Midland was the same as 2019’s figure, sharing the top spot of a 10-year high.

Midland Senior Sergeant Mark Marriott who became officer in charge near the end of last year, as reported in Big shoes to fill for new Midland police chief, said recent operations were a targeted response to this.

“A recent example of this is Operation Makassar which is a dedicated operation targeting both retail theft and anti-social behaviour within the Midland CBD,” he said.

“Midland Police have a team committed to responding to calls for help from the community almost immediately specifically targeting these offences.

“Over the last 12 months, more than 893 charges have been preferred for stealing offences within the Midland sub district.”

Assault statistics remained high being the second most common offence when family and non-family figures were combined.

Snr Sgt Marriott said in response to those high numbers  Midland officers were working with other agencies to keep victims safe.

“The investigation into family violence continues to be a priority for the Western Australian police force,” he said.

“Victim safety is considered in all instances and to assist with this we have partnered with other agencies to ensure the best possible outcomes for victims.

“Everyone deserves to live without fear of violence and the Western Australian police will be there in times of need.”

There was a spike in offences committed in Midland in January which Snr Sgt Marriott said was in line with crime increases in shopping precincts at the start of school holidays.

“To address this issue head-on Midland Police have partnered with breath and drug operations and mounted section to provide high visibility policing to deter offending behaviour,” he said.

“This specific operation called Escot has had a positive impact so far with 41 persons charged with 55 offences over the July school holidays.

“Reported crime can often increase during these operations due to the increased availability of police in the area.”

Snr Sgt Marriott said he wanted to remind residents to be vigilant and do what they could to prevent crime.

“Unfortunately, there will always be people in our community who look for opportunities to commit crime,” he said.

“There are things the community can do to assist us in lowering crime. Most importantly, lock up and don’t leave your valuables in sight.

“Contact police immediately to report incidents of crime. Particularly when offenders may still be onsite and committing offences.

“Personal safety should always be the first priority and members of the community should never put themselves in harm’s way.

“Midland Police are committed to reducing crime and our officers take pride in servicing the community in which they work and live in.”

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