Animal cruelty case due back in court in February.

Three people face animal cruelty charges

Three people are due back in Midland court in February to face animal cruelty charges.
January 16, 2025

THREE people are due back in Midland Magistrates Court on Thursday, February 6 after their case was adjourned while they obtain legal advice.

A 43-year-old-man, a 38-year-old woman and a 61-year-old woman, who were  charged with animal cruelty after failing to seek vet care for their dog who was suffering from allergy-related skin issues, first appeared in the Midland court on January 6.

An RSPCA WA inspector attended a Midland property in December 2023 after receiving a cruelty report in relation to an injured large breed dog that was living in squalor.

RSPCA alleged the male accused said the eight-year-old german shepherd had a foul smell due to allergies and when he last took the dog to a vet three months prior, he was told to give the dog antihistamines and was not required to return to the vet.

He also said the dog had been “very sick” for the last three days.

The inspector observed the dog was in very poor body condition, his ribs were easily palpable, he had an abnormal gait on his back legs and had patches of fur missing with crusty scabs across his back and neck.

The male accused told the inspector he had been feeding the dog cat biscuits and had difficulties finding allergenic food.

He also had been trying to resolve the dog’s allergies using home remedies.

The accused have been charged under sections 19(1), 19(3)(d), and 19(3)(h) of the Animal Welfare Act 2002. RSPCA WA will allege they were cruel to the dog in that they did not provide him with proper and sufficient food and that he suffered harm which could have been alleviated by taking reasonable steps.

The male accused was also charged under section 40(2) for failing to comply with a written direction.

The maximum penalty for a charge of animal cruelty is a $50,000 fine and five years in prison. Failing to comply with a direction order attracts a maximum penalty of a $20,000 fine and one year imprisonment.

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